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bdr indst. servs

详细内容 please quote your best price & delivery time: ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION 1 100M INSULATION TAPE FOR UNDERGROUND PIPING(PIPE SIZE2") AND SPECIFICATION AS PER THE ATTACHED DATA SHEET MATERIAL REQUIRMENTS: 1-primer shall be from the same manufacturer as the tape, and shall be suitable for brush or spray application. Material shall be applied in strict accordance with tape manufacturer's recommendations and company approved procedures. It shall be a liquid adhesive that can be a liquid adhesive that can be applied without heat and shall produce an effective bond between the surface to be protected and the subsequently applied tape. The dry film thickness of primer shall be as stated in writing by the tape manufacturer and the company approved procedure. 2-The tape shall be PVC backed bituminous rubber compound, with excellent adhesion to itself and to steel pipe, and highly conformable to valves, flanges, etc, and shall have the following characterization: -Adhesion to steel, 2.00N/mm (min). -Thickness of adhesive compound, 0.90 mm (min) -Thickness of PVC backing, 0.75 mm (min) Total thickness, 1.65mm (min)- -Tape strength, 12.0N/mm (min) Elongation %, 260 minimum - Dielectric strength, 30-40kV- -Tape width, the tape width will be as recommended bye the manufacturer to suit the actual pipe diameter -Tape width deviation, maximum, (+) or (-) 5% of width or 6 mm, whichever is smaller. 3-Moulding compound for filling irregular surfaces, e.g. valves, shall be compatible with primer and tape and capable of forming a smooth surface prior to application of the tape. 4-All materials included in the cold applied tape system to be suitable for a temperature range as stated in section 5.1.5. 5- A coating of coal Tar epoxy to a dry film thickness of 500 microns applied in three coats may be accepted in lieu of tape wrap for buried piping, valves, fittings and hydrants. Where this option is used, the coal tar epoxy shall be fully cured before back fill or field joint coating takes place. Company shall confirm that full curing has taken place. For surface preparation and application requirements refer to project specification 24929-20L-3ps-N000-00002 "shop and field painting". I want to receive: Price Payment . Delivery Info .
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联系人 yassmin kilany
电话 20-2-26720208
Email albdr@starnet.com.eg


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