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SafeWest Acquisitions, LLC

详细内容 Hi, I saw your posting from July and was wondering if you are still looking for MTN's or to bring any instruments into trade. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks, Stephanie DISCLAIMER: I declare that I am not a licensed United States Securities Broker or Dealer or U.S. investment advisor, and both the writer and reader declare that this document is not intended for the buying, selling, or trading of securities, or the offering of counsel or advice with respect to any such activities, but the mere exchange of ideas. The content of this document does NOT constitute a contract of services or promise of services or investment or promised investment capital toward any concept, idea or project referenced or directly addressed in the body or relating portions of this document. This document is not an authorized, legal representation of the trading platform referenced herein, in accordance with the Non-Solicitation Laws associated with Private Placement Platforms and related programs. All projections are based on a best effort basis and are to be confirmed by the Trader. I want to receive:
来自国家 不详
联系人 SafeWest
电话 1-253-8612321
Email stephanie@safewestacquisitions.com


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