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Gupta Tea Co

详细内容 We have received your reference from Tea Board of India and we believe that your company might be having some requirements for good quality Indian Black Tea. As you may be aware New Season for South Indian variety comprising of CTC, Orthodox and Darjeeling is just about to arrive. In this regard, we would like to introduce ourselves as manufacturers and exporters of tea since 1975. “JADABPUR” and “RADHABARI” are well known mark of Indian CTC tea in the domestic and international markets. The company produces around 2.5million kilograms of good quality tea per year from these two plantations located in North India. “GUPTA TEA CO. PVT. LTD.” is our export arm and one of its main business is the promotion of Indian tea. We export teas of various North Indian and South Indian estates with whom we have exclusive tie-ups, together with our own production. Our own blends are made from the finest teas available and blends suiting the requirements of our customers. We also act as buying agents of Foreign Companies at Indian Auction centres. PRODUCTS WE CAN DELIVER : ? Darjeeling Whole Leaf, Brokens and Fannings. ? Assam Orthodox Whole Leaf, Brokens and Fannings. ? Assam CTC Brokens, Fannings and Dust. ? Dooars CTC Brokens, Fannings and Dust. ? South Indian CTC Brokens, Fannings and Dust. ? South Indian Orthodox Whole Leaf, Brokens and Fannings. ? North Indian Green Tea. We do our packing in Calcutta and we take pride in saying that our blends do travel and keep well. We are confident of catering to your requirements conforming to the quality norms as prescribed and maintaining shipment schedules. We are fully equipped to provide you with totally satisfactory all round services and we will be grateful, much obliged for your kind consideration, support and opportunities to serve your regularly. We thank your for your time and look forward to hearing from you with confident hopes of serving you. I want to receive: Product Spec . Price Payment . Delivery Info . Product Catalog .
来自国家 不详
联系人 Suman Mukherjee
电话 91-33-9830057051
Email sumantea@gmail.com


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