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South America Sourcing-Chile

详细内容 We would like to buy Soybean crude oil in a year basis, 2000 MT per month at least. Please send your Best CFR offerings with final destination Hamburg-Germany, Istabul-Turkey, Alex-Egypt, Latakia-Syria (500 MT each). Please find enclosed the product we are looking for. Our needs 2,000 MT distributed as follows: 500 MT destination Hamburg Germany 500 MT destination Latakia Syria 500 MT destination Alex Egypt 500 MT destination Istanbul Turkey Please send your specs and COA confimed by any registered certification agency like SGS Please price your best, BEST CFR prices indicating payments terms, delivery and any additional conditions. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILES! Soya Crude Oil.doc Country:Chile
来自国家 不详
联系人 Mr. Carlos Gonzalez Barros
地址 Chile
电话 56-2-2817907
Email sas.chile@123.cl,sas.chile@gmail.com


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