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The Sanctuary

详细内容 Dear Sir, Please can you forward details of your credit line deferred payment of 60 days and bridge loans. e require $6,650,000 (USA $) to purchase an Estate in the Uk and to develop for the sanctuary. The funds will be used to purchase the Estate and also to go into a trade program. My partner in the States can confirm the trade and the solicitor in the states will be instructed to repay the loan and interest immediately the proceeds hits the account. They are involved in the disbursement of the funds. This will be confirmed to you by the solicitor. The loan term will be for 60 days and the line of credit for 3 months. It would be appreciated if you could let me know how long this will take and what the procedure and the terms will be. Thanking you Catharine serenas@btopenworld.com I want to receive:
来自国家 不详
联系人 Catharine Smith
电话 44-191-2649229
Email serenas@btopenworld.com


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