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Khadamat Fanni Va Mohandeci Milad

详细内容 Dear Sirs Compliments My name is Mr. Alimohammad Khaleghi with Mechanics Engineering Diploma. I have worked for 18 years in the field of construction and production . Recently I have designed and invented a new tool which can be installed on a normal lathe and has capacity of latheing non-rotary pieces (tonsil , oval , elliptical, polygonal, conical- elliptical). Attached pictures are belonging to protects of this tools. You are kindly to inform me about your opinion about this tool and if you are willing I am ready to send you more information or a sample of this product. Sincerely yours Mr. Mohammadali Khaleghi I want to receive: Sample Needed .
来自国家 不详
联系人 Ali Khaleghi
电话 0098-918-1111207
Email mteskh@yahoo.com


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