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bautech international inc

详细内容 Dear Sirs, We are interested in a mixing equipment for a block and paver plants for Latin America. We are going to install 4 plants in different countries in the next 6 months. We are looking for a complete batching system composed of: 5 aggregate batching plant for large mixer and another of 4 aggregates for small mixer 1 planetary mixer of 1500 liter 1 planetary mixer of 500 liter 2 cement silos of 45 to 60 tons (complete with screw conveyor, filter, reinforced elbow, vibrator, gate valve, 2 level controllers) One silo is for white cement and the other for grey cement. Both silos should have an outlet for each mixer. 2 weight scales for the cement Steel platform Outlet of the mixer should be at 3.5 to 4 m All electronics for automatic control Water flowmeter Additives scales or flowmeter for both mixers Do you have automatic water cleaners for the mixers? Best regards, Sergio Prahl President Bautech International Inc Phone:+ 502-5736-7000 Email: sergioprahl@bautech-int.com Address: 9 calle 2-29 zona 14 Guatemala city, Guatemala Central America I want to receive: Price Payment .
来自国家 不详
联系人 sergio prahl
电话 011-502-23852576
Email sergioprahl@bautech-int.com


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