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arta pasargad

详细内容 In the name of God Sell invention concession Advertisement of invention register the Antifreeze pipe antifreeze pipe is a new invention about pipe, that Pipe don’t frozen and pipe Don\'t crack. This invention is composed of two part. 1. PVC pipe part: basic change the pipe 2. Electronics part Features: 1 . It is PVC pipe . 2 . Pipe don’t frozen . 3 . pipe Don\'t crack . 4 . to shift thick liquid . 5 . to Use in homes & in factory & in stadium ,… 6 . Antifreeze pipe works in any COLD climatic situation. 7 . production on different types of pvc pipe with different size is possible . and also has a typical. E-mail : m.lotfi.psc@gmail.com Tel mobile : +98 914 351 0375 I want to receive:
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