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Persson&Asociados S.C.

详细内容 My name is Aníbal Casas Persson, Persson manager and Partners SC Company dedicated to the marketing raw material(marketing commodity), including, I mention in the province of Seville, Spain. Contact was established by his(her,your) company across Internet, we understand that his(her,your) industry devotes itself to the design and peripheral, manufacture and supply of semiautomatic, automatic machines for the manufacture of fluorescent compact lamps. We use his(her,your) industry, because Persson and Partners SC it(he,she) has the project of installation of a fluorescent lamp of the industry in Spain and nowadays it(he,she) possesses(relies on) permissions of provincial level, national and supported by the private and state capital for the project. This project consists of the manufacture of fluorescent compact lamps: 1. It(He,She) wanted to know that the same line realizes types of lamps production. 2. The cost of manufacture of a lamp finished with his(her,your) packing. 3. Which are all the raw materials(commodities) necessary for his(her,your) manufacture. 4. The time that they would be late in doing the whole line of production and to install them in Spain. 5. The price of every machine specified. 6. Depending on the type of machine and of the system that it(he,she) provides, what be of annual production? Bearing in mind (three shifts of eight hours each one). 7. Area in square meters advisable to have a line of production of agreement to his(her,your) comfortable reasonable system. 8. What quantity of qualified workers is necessary the line of production as the system of advice(council)? 9. We offer a budget for the equipments(teams), installation and putting in march of the industry in Spain. To obtain a form of detailed request and of payment. To do so many followed(consecutive) questions to him is in that to my and my associates us are ended the time to do the order(request) so(then,since) since in approximately six months it(he,she) has that this working practically. And, finally, to be grateful for him his(her,your) time and rapidity of answer. Recollections. CONTACTO: Sr. Persson CASAS ANIBAL. (Administrador) EMPRESA: Persson & ASSOCIATES. Sc DIRECCIóN: C / Merinos N o 38 1 o A, écija, Sevilla. CP: 41400 SEVILLA, ESPA?A. TEL: 00 34 95 590 5901 FAX: 00 34 95 542 0187 MAIL: oapersson1973@hotmail.com Skype: ANIBAL.PERSSON I want to receive:
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联系人 Anibal Persson
电话 +34-95-5905901
Email oapersson1973@hotmail.com


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