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Nativia Producers S.A

详细内容 To whom it might concern I contact you in reference to your product Chymosin. I am planning to develop a commercial channel for chymosin in Argentina, and thus I am concerned in finding a reliable supplier for this product. In this context, I wonder if you are interested in a commercial relationship abroad to commercialize your product. In case you agree, could you send me a certificate of analysis or technical brochure of the products you offer, minimum order quantity, delivery time and product presentations? Please in case you need further reference please do not hesitate contacting me. Best regards, Martin Blasco Research manager Nativia Producers S.A Buenos Aires Argentina I want to receive: Product Spec . Price Payment . Delivery Info . Product Catalog . Minimum Order . Packing Info .
来自国家 不详
联系人 Martin Blasco
电话 54-911-64476301
Email mblasco@nativiaproducers.com


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