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biz agent

详细内容 Dear Sir, I understand that you are a Manufacturer / Exporter of various kinds of Garments. I will have to introduce myself first. I am a university lecturer cum consultant. I enter into consultancy job and sourcing of specialist suppliers on a part time basis. I source for specialist manufacturers, exporters and suppliers to bulk buyers. The First Sub-Sahara African Development Agency (FSSADA) in Collaboration with Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust UK have mandated me to source for a reliable and a reputable company that can supply them with T-Shirts. The T-Shirts will be used for the HIV/AIDS 2010 campaigns/rallies. I know that your company is capable of knitting and supplying the above T-Shirts within a period of 12 months. Therefore, you are requested to give us your C/F price quotation for our study. I am waiting for your valued response. Best regards, Mr.Mohammed Zakaria. Tel: +229-97299767 I want to receive: Price Payment .
来自国家 不详
联系人 mohammed zakaria
电话 +229-97-299767
Email bzconnsultant@yahoo.ca


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