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saba construction plc

详细内容 Saba Electromechanical Construction & Supplies (SEMCOS) is a subsidiary organizations established under Saba Construction PLC. Saba Construction PLC is also one of the few construction companies in Ethiopia with the status of
General Construction class-1 (GC-1). SEMCOS have highly qualified engineers and technicians to participate in the design, supply and Installation of different electromechanical works with a key focus on the Water supply system & Electrical power transmission and distribution system.

SEMCOS also shall participate as a foreign trade auxiliary to supply different electromechanical equipment from various suppliers to different governmental and public sector organizations.
来自国家 埃塞俄比亚
采购主要产品 安全防护
联系人 solomon
地址 addis ababa pobox 40346
电话 251911660202 251911660202
Email deressu@yahoo.com


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